The idea of SELF BALANCE came about as we strongly felt that there was a need to understand the rapidly-emerging links between modern brain science and the corporate world.  What role do emotions play in decision making?  How can we trust others? What is Neuromarketing?

What does neuroscience have to do with leadership?

At SELF BALANCE we translate the cutting-edge work of our founder, Elisabeth Calbari(MISCP), into fundamental brain training and cognitive enhancement mechanisms.                                                                            

Turn Neuroscience Breakthroughs into Corporate Growth

We build bespoke programmes and content to engage your team on your biggest challenges and opportunities.  We help organisations to adapt to new environments by constantly learning and acquiring new skill sets. 

We don't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach, so our process focuses on building the solid foundation for change. Because every organisation is unique, and every challenge is different, we make the extra effort to understand what lies beneath the surface. 

We’ve designed our process to create solutions that deliver impact for every client .