Training in the Maritime Industry

At SELF BALANCE® we understand how important the Human Element is in shipping and what it takes to deliver training that makes a positive impact especially when this impact relates to crew members who cross the high seas. 


It is often stated that around 80% of all accidents at sea are attributable to human error (or more correctly operator error) while the remaining 20% may result from hull or equipment failure due to unrecognised faults or lack of expertise.

Just as an orchestra conductor gets each musician to play their instrument with perfection, so must captains get the best performance from everyone on board their ship. Every seaman and officer is important. The best captains listen and lead by making informed decisions.

Thus, recognising that your people are your Company's greatest asset we develop tailor made training programs, interactive video courses that aim at improving individual officer skills and response to demanding and frequently stressful situations under tight time frames.  We aim to succeed in making both substantial and subtle changes in attitude that can lead to more cohesive crew complements on board your ships.  


User - friendly equipment in combination  with personality questionnaires and simulation, methods can assist you in selecting, training and, retaining officers and crew members that are best suited to your company’s philosophy.

The innovation of SELF BALANCE® programs lies in the methodology.
— Elisabeth Calbari (MISCP)
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Be the master of your own brain and learn to navigate it through rough and calm seas!