Are you a Sprinter or a Thinker? A Planner or an Improviser?
Turn neuroscience breakthroughs into corporate growth
“Invest” in your Brain and learn the Biology of Leadership and discover how certain things leaders do literally affect their own brain chemistry and that of their followers.
What Happens to your Brain when you Negotiate at Work?
In all of our corporate neuroscience-based programs we use cutting edge neuroscientific based evidence to learn how to manage behaviours, foster employee cooperation, increase productivity, exercise empathy and effective communication skills, while being resilient, focused and trustworthy. Use your “emotional muscle” and be better, faster and stronger at work.
Learn how to use your amazing brain to concentrate better, be more influential, become a better presenter and make great first impressions by using the neurochemistry of positive conversations. Join one of our highly experiential, interactive training programs at work and learn how to stimulate other brains to make a sale!